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Eric Grayson

Eric Grayson,PharmD

Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice


School of Pharmacy


pharmaceutics, clinical pharmacy practice, informatics, medication safety

About Eric Grayson

Eric Grayson, PharmD, is the clinical assistant professor of pharmacy practice at the Texas A&M Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy. His research interests are clinical pharmacy practice, pharmacy informatics and medication safety.

Dr. Grayson contributes a considerable amount of experience in the profession. He has practiced in multiple settings, including hospital, community, management, administration, home infusion, hospice care, ambulatory infusion, oncology and, of course, clinical practice. He also lectures on a variety of topics including toxicology, bioterrorism and ethics.

He received his Bachelor of Science in pharmacy and his doctorate degree in pharmacy from the University of Texas at Austin.