Mansoor Khan
Mansoor A. Khan,PhD, RPh
Interim Dean
Regents and Distinguished University Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Presidential Impact Fellow

About Mansoor A. Khan
Mansoor A. Khan, RPh, PhD, has served the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for more than 11 years as the director of product quality research and a senior biomedical research scientist at the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. He led research teams on biotech products and small molecules, chemistry and stability, drug delivery systems and bioavailability/bioequivalence, and chemistry reviews of new and generic drugs for several complicated products. In September 2015, he joined Texas A&M University as professor and vice dean at Texas A&M College of Pharmacy at the College Station campus. He also serves as the interim head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Prior to joining FDA in 2004, Dr. Khan was a professor of pharmaceutics and director of the graduate program in the School of Pharmacy at Texas Tech University Health Science. He is a registered pharmacist, and earned his doctorate in industrial pharmacy from the St. John's University School of Pharmacy in 1992. He has published more than 295 peer-reviewed manuscripts, five texts including "Pharmaceutical and Clinical Calculations" and "Quality by Design for Biopharmaceutical Drug Product Development, 25 book chapters, 250 poster presentations, and more than 250 invited presentations worldwide. Dr. Khan's research focus is primarily in the area of formulations design and development, and biopharmaceutics. He led the FDA new drug review team that approved the first 3D printed product on Aug 3, 2015. Khan served as the FDA representative for the World Health Organization (WHO), National Institutes of Health (NIH), United States Pharmacopeia (USP), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), European Medical Agency (EMA) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Dr. Khan has held several leadership positions at the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) including founding chair of formulations design and development. He serves on the editorial board of Pharmaceutical Technology, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, AAPSPharmsciTech, and the Drug Delivery and Translational Research. He received the 2012 AAPS Research Achievement Award in Formulations Design and Development. He is also an AAPS and American Association of Indian Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAIPS) fellow.