HSC 25th Anniversary

Not Different.
Doing Things Differently.
From the moment we opened our doors in 1999, we have been doing things differently. Yes, we are educating the next generation of innovators, advocates, caregivers and life-savers—but that is what any good health science center does. What makes us different is doing things the way only Aggies can. The way that brings innovations from downtown to small towns, that gets down in the weeds, sits at the big table and makes waves overseas. We think big, use less and do more with the gifts we’re given.
Every day for the last quarter of a century, we have pulled on our boots, shrugged on our gear, scrubbed up and gotten to work in the communities that work hard for our state and make our nation great. We give back to the ones who have entrusted us to make a difference. Each year our land-grant roots grow deeper, our military heritage sharpens, our innovations in the lab reaching patients at the bedside multiply, and the health professionals we educate, guide and support go more places, make a bigger impact and inspire more generations to keep blazing trails.
We are proud of how we do things, and we can’t wait to take on the challenges coming our way next.
12,359 Degrees conferred since 1999
Top 25 in research & development spending by U.S. universities
254 counties in Texas reached through community & telehealth programs
Video Headline
Capicola pork belly prosciutto tongue tri-tip, kevin andouille bresaola t-bone fatback salami strip steak. Beef filet mignon bresaola ham hock strip steak pig. Cupim cow chuck, capicola ball tip short loin fatback shankle. Chislic shoulder meatball, chicken picanha ham bresaola biltong cow pancetta ribeye. Chislic tenderloin spare ribs frankfurter beef, sirloin drumstick turducken landjaeger beef ribs fatback swine hamburger filet mignon biltong. Burgdoggen drumstick ham hock pancetta beef ribs ham corned beef doner prosciutto.
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Impact & Growth
We have grown a lot in two and half decades. When founded, we were three colleges, one institute and two centers; now we are five colleges, plus an intercollegiate school, and 17 A&M System approved centers and institutes. We have also built a burgeoning clinical enterprise in communities around the state—including a co-branded Brazos Valley health network—and expanded our major clinical affiliates from just a handful to more than 40. Our degree programs have also multiplied, from 13 in 1999 to 32 today. And through our community and telehealth programs, we now reach all 254 Texas counties.